
Kairon greek meaning
Kairon greek meaning

kairon greek meaning

Kairos (Opportunity) was represented in a statue of bronze, in which art vied with nature. I desire to set before you in words the creation of Lysippos (Lysippus) also, the most beautiful of statues, which the artist wrought and set up for the Sikyonians to look upon.

kairon greek meaning

"On the statue of Kairos (Caerus, Opportunity) at Sikyon (Sicyon). Fairbanks) (Greek rhetorician C4th A.D.) : I know that a hymn to Kairos is one of the poems of Ion of Khios in the hymn Kairos is made out to be the youngest child of Zeus."Ĭallistratus, Descriptions 6 (trans. "Quite close to the entrance to the stadium are two altars one they call the altar of Hermes of the Games, the other the altar of Kairos (Caerus, Opportunity). "Running swiftly, balancing on the razor's edge, bald but with a lock of hair on his forehead, he wears no clothes if you grasp him from the front, you might be able to hold him, but once he has moved on not even Juppiter himself can pull him back: this is a symbol of Tempus (Opportunity), the brief moment in which things are possible." He was depicted as a youth with a long lock of hair hanging down from his forehead which suggested that Opportunity could only be grasped as he approached.Īesop, Fables 536 (from Phaedrus 5.

kairon greek meaning

KAIROS (Caerus) was the god or personified spirit ( daimon) of opportunity and the youngest of the divine sons of Zeus.

Kairon greek meaning